Open Front Fixed Bed Press with Adjustable Stroke Machine Has Been Finished

May. 10, 2024

The ordered Open Front Fixed Bed Press With Adjustable Stroke machine have been finished for the client,the machine was customized the Pneumatic Cushion Set,and also the color was made according to client's requirements. 

Open Front Fixed Bed Press with Adjustable Stroke Machine Have Been Finished

Here I list the machine main features,we also can customize the machine according to your requirements.

Open Front Fixed Bed Press with Adjustable Stroke Machine Have Been Finished

Steel welded frame with high intensity. Combined dry pneumatic friction clutch Cylinder type with adjustable stroke.

Slide with eight-face guide, JL21-25 with six-face guide.

Hydraulic overload protector. Automatic oil circuiting lubrication. JL21-25 with electrical grease lubrication.

JL21-45 superior: Electrical die height adjustment with digital display.

Open Front Fixed Bed Press with Adjustable Stroke Machine Have Been Finished

Lifting balance cylinder.

lmported dual solenoid valve.

Integrated interface (electrical cam included).

Open Front Fixed Bed Press with Adjustable Stroke Machine Have Been Finished

PlC of international brand.

Button, AC contactor, air circuit breaker of international brand.

Optional: Air cushion (air bag or cylinder type), automatic feed shaft device. Light curtain, automatic devices

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